I am all about simple and easy DIYs. When I found this really easy friendship bracelet, I decided to do a DIY and show you how easy it is. It is the Chinese staircase friendship bracelet.
I really love friendship bracelets. Since I have a whole bunch of embroidery floss, it is something I do when I'm bored. Oh, and since I have a lot of embroidery floss, I will try to find out some more DIYs that involve them.
So, let's start this DIY:
You will need: duct tape (or regular tape), scissors, and embroidery floss.
I chose a watermelon pink and a light green. I was going for a watermelon theme. I like watermelons.
Measure out about a 16 inches of embroidery floss.
Fold it in half and tie a knot at the top.
Tape it down with duct tape.
Start off with one strand.
Make a 'four'like shape with the floss.
Go under the three strands. Then pull it up.
Keep doing that until you think you've done enough. The switch strands.
The colors on this one really go together well.
When you cut off the strands, use some clear nail polish to help solidify the ends.
Then wear it with pride.
Looks good, right? It is super simple and a really fun thing to do. So, go out, buy some embroidery floss, and give it a try for yourself. You won't regret it!
Seems very beautiful. Thanks for your detailed step by step tutorial.